Not Managing Asbestos Properly Can Cost You Big
Failure to Manage Asbestos in Northern Ireland
Failing to properly manage Asbestos is apparent in all parts of Northern Ireland! Recently in the news we have heard of small and large businesses that have been caught out in their asbestos management failings.
We have commented recently about a few cases where the Health & Safety Executive NI had given out fines of around £30,000 for exposing workers to asbestos.
Asbestos Awareness Training
It is worrying that despite some really well designed and funded HSENI campaigns. Some companies are still not adhering to their responsibilities when it comes to protecting employees from Asbestos.
We provide Asbestos Awareness Training to groups across Northern Ireland. Contact Us to book or,
Talk to us on: 07702 332 333
According to the HSENI 2015/2016 financial year seen a record number of firms prosecuted for asbestos failings. Of-course this comes with fines depending upon the seriousness of the breach. The fines ranged from £1000 – £30000. Asbestos Solutions NI are here to help! We can carry out an asbestos survey of your business premises and help you to create an asbestos management plan. Don’t risk your workplace health and the possibility of being fined! Contact Us today to book your consultation.
Asbestos – What Has Been Happening in Northern Ireland?
There has been many asbestos failings in the past year here in Northern Ireland. The main problems were that some businesses were “cutting corners” such as NOT having carried out proper asbestos surveys, poor planning during construction works or repairs and failing to work with asbestos properly!
The companies that have been prosecuted will tell you that it has not only damaged them financially but it has also damaged their reputation.
REMEMBER! Failing to properly deal with asbestos from the beginning will result in potentially huge costs later on if any breach is discovered. We don’t want to see any business in this situation. Contact Us and we will be happy to help.
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