Testing and Surveying for Asbestos
There can be no understating of the danger that asbestos poses. As it poses a severe health hazard when fibres are disturbed, comprehensive measures need to be taken in order to remove the threat of asbestos from any property. One problem with asbestos, however, is that it was so widely used that many products may still contain it, not just paint or insulation. With our expertise in asbestos surveys in Northern Ireland, we can help you to minimise the risks and deal with the material as effectively as possible.
Asbestos is a highly dangerous material, but it’s only in recent times that we have truly opened our eyes to the sheer danger of this material. Once renowned for its resistance to fire and insulation, it has been in use for centuries, only relatively recently being outlawed. The useful inherent properties of asbestos, combined with its widespread availability, means that it was used in huge numbers of buildings. From insulation and textured paint to plastics and cement, asbestos has also been used in or been used to augment various different products.
Though asbestos is not dangerous as long as it is left undisturbed, there is always going to be that inherent risk of disturbing it. A scratch of textured paint or a hole in asbestos-reinforced concrete can easily let loose potentially hazardous fibres. In construction and demolition capacities, the risk is even greater and active steps need to be taken to avoid it. That is why our team are dedicated to providing the most comprehensive asbestos surveys in NI.
Over three thousand products utilise asbestos, so they need to be tested thoroughly. This means taking a sample of the material used and sending it to a UKAS accredited laboratory who can comprehensively state whether or not it actually contains asbestos. At our own laboratory, which is UKAS accredited, we can have samples fully analysed and results sent to you via email or post, with the results reaching you within four working days. In doing so, we can ensure that any buildings subject to additional construction, renovation or demolition are safe to work on.
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