An Interesting Use of Asbestos
Asbestos was used for all kinds of tasks. When we think of asbestos, we tend to think about insulation and old lagging but what about beer? Here is an intersting use of asbestos during the 70’s.
Asbestos…The perfect beer filter
Yes folks…They really did use asbestos to filter the impurities from beer during the 70’s.This went on into the 80’s.
Scientists at Cambridge and Liverpool Universities believe that this use of asbestos in beer may be the reason we have seen a 4-fold rise in oesophageal cancers. As reported in the Mirror article almost 8000 UK citizens die each year from cancer of the gullet.
They report that cases have risen over the past 50 years with 90% of cases occurring in men.
The Good News!
The good news is that this no longer is standard practice! Phew! But it never seems to surprise us when we hear of all the odd ways asbestos was used in the past. If only we had of known what we know now.
Asbestos was used across Northern Ireland for many decades right up until the year 2000. There may well have been some examples of it’s use past this date depending on stocks and anyone who may have ignored the new UK asbestos ban.
Professional Asbestos Surveyor
We are an independent team of professional asbestos surveyors working across Northern Ireland. We have offices in Belfast and Coleraine and aim to get to you quickly! All samples are personally transported to a UKAS accredited lab right here in Northern Ireland and we can get results back to you as soon as possible. Surveys can be provided to all commercial, public sector and domestic clients at competitive rates.
Call us on 07702 332 333 today! or visit our contact us page to leave a message.