Asbestos Training Advantages

Here in Northern Ireland asbestos was extensively used throughout many industries for decades. There are many asbestos training advantages that will keep you safe in the workplace.
Asbestos Awareness Training Northern Ireland
We provide asbestos awareness training Northern Ireland wide. We come to you to provide the facts about asbestos. Whether you work as a joiner, an office worker or a nurse, you can come into contact with asbestos at work.
Asbestos can be anywhere within your workplace. It is very worrying to know that something as deadly as asbestos can be right by your desk, in a cupboard or on the very floor you are walking on every day!
In many cases, most Northern Ireland employers are great at having asbestos surveys carried out and keeping detailed records. Asbestos Awareness Training is designed to empower you to learn about asbestos, where it might be found, what it looks like and the rules surrounding asbestos material. After our asbestos training course you will not have to depend on someone else in the hope that they have made your workplace safe. You will know they have with your newly found knowledge.
Asbestos Awareness Training Good Practice
Asbestos awareness training for your employees is a great idea. It is an investment in the health of your staff and provides a sense of well-being. It is comforting to know that staff will learn lots of information about asbestos and in turn will help you build a safer and healthier workplace. Too many people who did not know much about asbestos have been caught out in the past, and companies fined tens of thousands of pounds. Here is one example of such a case: article.
Asbestos Awareness Tips
- Asbestos was used throughout Northern Ireland up until the year 2000 in some cases. It may have been illegally used after this date by tradesmen who did not believe the dangers. If you are working in a building or making upgrades (remember that you may be the innocent office worker, and trades men may be doing the work in the vicinity) if you don’t know that the material you are working with is asbestos or not, then assume that it is until it is checked.
- Asbestos was used in the most strange places. We carry out asbestos surveys in NI and we have to tell you, it still amazes me where we sometime find asbestos in the home and workplace. If in doubt always book an asbestos survey. Call Philip Hobson on 07702 332 333 to book.
- A myth that is always doing the rounds is that asbestos exposure only occurs when knocking down a wall or refurbishing a house. Wrong I’m afraid! Asbestos exposure can be a result of simply walking into an old roof space or boiler room. Installing cat 5 network cable or simply fitting a new burglar alarm bell box. Never underestimate the danger.
Philip Hobson and his team are fully qualified property surveyors based in Northern Ireland. Philip has always been keen to identify the risks of asbestos exposure and help protect people from asbestos exposure.
To book a survey with Asbestos Solutions NI then please call Philip on 07702 332 333 today. We can tailor a survey to suit your individual needs.
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