School Teacher’s Widow Receives Asbestos Exposure Compensation
A school teacher from Swindon died in 2018 from mesothelioma. He had been exposed to asbestos during his time as a school teacher according to a BBC article.
Mr McLaughlin was a very popular teacher at Headlands Secondary School and the more recent New College. During ceramics lessons he would make use of asbestos gloves and asbestos kilns.
Mr McLaughlin’s wife said that other staff and students could have been exposed too. She didn’t realise the job he loved would claim the life of her husband.
A lawyer working for the family said that the neglect for Mr McLaughlin’s health by the local council was shocking and that sadly she was seeing similar cases.
Avoiding Asbestos Exposure At Work
We read about cases like this all the time. It’s frustrating because deaths caused by asbestos could have been avoided.
These days asbestos risks are well known and we all should take great care in avoiding any exposure to asbestos fibres.
With so many buildings that still contain asbestos today, knowing the location and condition of the material is key to avoiding exposure.
Getting An Asbestos Surveyor
If you live or work in a building that was built before the year 2000 it may contain asbestos. The asbestos may be hidden or concealed and accidental exposure can occur. Exposure can occur if the asbestos is in a bad condition or if contractors are working in the building.
We can deploy a fully qualified specialist asbestos surveyor to locate and report on any asbestos found. Suspect material can also be tested in a Northern Ireland UKAS accredited lab. Our report will help you stay safe and legal.
Contact Us or call Philip on 07702 332 333 today!